《偏见的本质》首次出版至今已近70周年,本书作为社会心理学偏见领域的奠基著作,由哈佛大学心理系前系主任、美国心理学会前主席、“人格心理学之父”戈登奥尔波特(Gordon W. Allport, 1897~1967)所著。本书就偏见进行了详尽全面的探讨,将社会学、心理学、法学领域中的不同理论逐一囊括综述,至今依旧影响深远。在大数据时代,科技拉近了人与人的距离,不同文化背景、不同生活经历的个体之间的接触远远密切于以往任何的时代。但是,偏见的阴霾依旧笼罩着人类,性别暴力、种族歧视似乎找到了新的传播介质。便利于社会生活的数据算法也存在着歧视问题。信息似乎将我们割裂为更小的内部群体,并加剧了群体之间的对立。
It has been 70 years from the first debut of The Nature of Prejudice. This book as the classic work on prejudice and discrimination was written by Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967), who was the former chairman of Psychology Department at Harvard University and was elected President of the American Psychological Association in 1939. Organized around the central theories in sociology, psychology and law, this book discussed prejudice in a comprehensive view and had a profound and lasting influence on the field of psychology. In the era of digital, technologies bridged people closer more than any age. Diversities boom with contacts between individuals with different life experiences, from different cultural backgrounds. However, the shadow of prejudice is still shrouding our society: gender violence and racial discrimination seem taking root from the new soil. Moreover, machine algorithms are making themselves learn discrimination instead of facilitating social life. Information seems to divide us into smaller internal groups and aggravate the hostilities between us.
Advances in Psychology