

Analysis of Researches on Implicit Followership Theories in Organization and Future Prospects
摘要 领导者对员工的期待影响着他们对员工的评价、态度与行为,并能对员工的工作绩效产生深远影响。这种主观期待又被称为内隐追随,是领导者心目中关于追随者特质和行为的认知图式。内隐追随对领导–成员交换关系、领导表现、员工工作满意度、工作绩效等都有着广泛的影响,对组织管理和团队发展都有着至关重要的意义。目前对内隐追随的研究尚存在一些不足,未来的研究可以从形成原因、跨文化研究、领导–员工关系相互作用等角度进行拓展。 Leaders’expectations of followers impacted their treatments and attitudes,which had a signifi-cant effect on followers’job performance.These expectations were also called Implicit Followership Theories(IFTs),which referred to leaders’cognitive schemas of followers'traits and behaviors.Consequently,IFTs had great influence on leader-member exchange relationship,leaders’behaviors,employees’job satisfaction and job performance,etc.Since the impacts of IFTs on both organizational management and team development were profound,it was of utmost importance to study the antecedents and outcomes of IFTs.However,there were some shortcomings in the research area of IFTs.Antecedents to IFTs,cross-culture studies and influence of the relationship between leaders and followers on IFTs should be investigated in the future.
作者 许哲铭
出处 《心理学进展》 2019年第7期1260-1267,共8页 Advances in Psychology
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