大鱼小池效应(Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect, BFLPE)是指高水平的同伴环境会降低个体的自我概念,并进而影响其将来的成就。目前,国内外学者在教育领域对大鱼小池效应进行了广泛而深入的研究,故本文对当前研究进行了梳理,并从BFLPE的跨文化一致性、跨情境一致性、稳健性、时间稳定性、与其他结果变量之间的关系、与相关模型的对比等方面对其实证研究进行了进一步的总结,指出未来研究的重点在于调节变量的选择及控制与其他学业自我概念相关理论的整合等方面。
The big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) refers to the fact that a high level of peer environment will reduce an individual’s self-concept and thus affect their future achievements. At present, the do-mestic and foreign scholars carried out extensive and in-depth research in the field of education for BFLPE. Therefore, this paper generalizes the current research, and from BFLPE cross-cultural consistency, stability, robustness, time consistency across the situation, the relationship between the variables with other results, comparison with the relevant model and so on further summarizes the empirical research, and also points out the future research should focus on regulating variable selection and control, and other academic self-concept on the related theory of consolidation.
Advances in Psychology