为了探究影响个体新冠肺炎疫情焦虑的因素及其内在机制,本研究测量了222名被试(121名女性,Mage = 31.68,SD = 7.90)在疫情爆发前一个月的特质焦虑和幸福感水平(T1),以及疫情高峰期的疫情焦虑,人际关系满意度,以及幸福感水平(T2)。研究结果表明:疫情前的特质焦虑显著正向预测疫情焦虑,人际关系满意度在特质焦虑对疫情焦虑的影响过程中起调节作用,幸福感完全中介人际关系满意度对特质焦虑和疫情焦虑关系的调节作用。
In early 2020, a nationwide outbreak of COVID-19 in China gives rise to many people’s anxiety. We recruited 222 Chinese participants (121 women, Mage = 31.68, SD = 7.90). Before the outbreak of COVID-19 (T1, on January 3, 2020), the participants reported their levels of trait anxiety and well-being;at the peak stage of the COVID-19 epidemic in China (T2, on February 13, 2020), the participants were followed up and reported their levels of COVID-19 anxiety, relationship satisfaction, and well-being. The results showed that: a) T1 trait anxiety before the outbreak of the epidemic positively predicted T2 COVID-19 anxiety at the peak stage of the COVID-19;b) T2 relationship satisfaction moderated the relationship between T1 trait anxiety and T2 COVID-19 anxiety. T1 trait anxiety only positively predicted T2 COVID-19 of participants with high T2 relationship satisfaction, while if participants experienced low T2 relationship satisfaction, T1 trait anxiety did not predict T2 COVID-19 anxiety and they all reported high T2 COVID-19 anxiety;c) T2 well-being played a completely mediating role in the moderating effect of T2 relationship satisfaction on the relationship between T1 trait anxiety and T2 COVID-19 anxiety. The results suggest people should maintain good relationship satisfaction and foster a high level of well-being in daily life, which can effectively ease the inner tension and anxiety when facing serious crisis.
Advances in Psychology