

Overview of Speech Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
摘要 根据2014年调查报告,美国ASD患病率达到1/68,在中国估计有近200万0~14岁儿童患有自闭症。自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorders,简称ASD或者自闭症)是一种神经发育障碍,以社会交往和交流障碍、狭隘兴趣与刻板行为为主要特征,这些症状在幼儿三岁之前就会表现出来,往往伴随不同程度的言语交流障碍,比如在语音、语言理解、语言表达等方面存在问题。到目前为止,许多研究者对ASD群体言语缺陷进行了研究。本文章希望从言语缺陷的言语感知、言语表达和言语理解两个方面对ASD群体的言语症状做出梳理,使人们更加深刻的了解ASD群体言语缺陷方面的现象。 Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) prevalence had reached up to 1/68, according to the 2014 official report released by CDC of America. 2 million of children below 14 years have been affected by ASD in China. ASD is a developmental disorder characterized by social interaction, communication disorders, stereotyped interests and repetitive behaviors, some of which appear in children with ASD before the age of three, accompany with speech communication disorders with various severity, such as deficits in phonetics, comprehension, and expression. As so far, many researchers have made various researches on speech deficits in children with ASD. This paper aimed to review speech symptoms from aspects of speech perception, expression and compression, to make a deep comprehension of speech deficits in ASD.
作者 黄丹
出处 《心理学进展》 2020年第10期1495-1501,共7页 Advances in Psychology
关键词 言语感知 言语表达 言语理解 自闭症 Speech Perception Speech Expression Speech Comprehension ASD
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