目的:探讨父母负性情绪对养育心理灵活性的影响,以及共同养育的中介和调节作用。方法:采用问卷调查法对重庆市562名6~18岁儿童的父母进行调查研究。结果:1) 父母的性别、教育水平及孩子数量对父母焦虑、抑郁、共同养育和养育心理灵活性均有不同程度的影响。2) 养育心理灵活性与焦虑、抑郁呈显著负相关,与共同养育呈显著正相关。3) 共同养育完全中介了抑郁与认知解离、焦虑与接纳间的关系;同时共同养育还部分中介了焦虑与认知解离、抑郁与接纳间的关系。4) 共同养育调节了焦虑与认知解离之间的关系。结论:焦虑、抑郁是父母养育心理灵活性的风险因素;共同养育是父母养育心理灵活性的重要保护性因素,可缓解焦虑对认知解离的负性影响。
Objective: This paper explored the impact of negative emotion on parental psychological flexibility, as well as the mediating and moderating role of coparenting. Methods: 562 parents with 6 - 18 year-old child were recruited to participant into this investigation. Results: 1) Parents’ gender, education level, and number of child had various effects on parents’ anxiety, depression, coparent-ing, and parental psychological flexibility. 2) Parental psychological flexibility was negatively cor-related with anxiety and depression, while positively correlated with coparenting. 3) Coparenting fully mediated the relationship between depression and cognitive defusion and the relationship between anxiety and acceptance. Coparenting also partially mediated the link between anxiety and cognitive defusion and the link between depression and acceptance. 4) Coparenting moderated the relationship between anxiety and cognitive defusion. Conclusion: Anxiety and depression were risky factors of parental psychological flexibility while coparenting served as a protective factor for alleviating the negative impact of anxiety on parental psychological flexibility.
Advances in Psychology