本研究采用边界范式,通过操纵中央凹注视词的词频(高频和低频)以及副中央凹字N + 2的预视类型(目标预视和假字预视),考察老年读者的副中央凹信息加工是否受中央凹加工负荷的调节。结果发现:1) 所有读者都能够获取副中央凹字N + 2的信息,且老年读者获取预视信息量与青年读者无显著差异;2) 中央凹负荷不影响读者的副中央凹信息加工。上述结果表明,汉语老年读者的副中央凹信息加工不受中央凹加工负荷的调节。
In order to explore whether parafoveal processing was regulated by foveal load for older readers, we used the boundary paradigm to manipulate the previews of character N + 2 (identical and pseudocharacter) in parafovea, and selected target words with low and high frequency to manipulate foveal load. The results showed that: 1) all readers can process the information of the character N + 2, and the amount of the preview information acquired by younger and older readers showed no significant difference;2) parafoveal information processing was not regulated by foveal load for younger and older readers. These findings suggest that the parafoveal processing of older readers shows no decline and it is not regulated by the foveal load.
Advances in Psychology