

The Relationship between Implicit and Explicit Personality and MOBA Player Game Addiction: The Mediating Effect of Immersion
摘要 不同的人格维度可能对MOBA游戏玩家的游戏成瘾水平有着一定的影响。这些人格特质不仅是外显的,并且也包含了内隐的部分,两者间的差异反映了个体对人格特质有意认知和无意认知之间的冲突,这也会影响玩家的游戏成瘾水平,并且是通过对卷入度这一中介变量来实现的。我们假设内隐人格和外显人格神经质等五个维度中的一些维度能够预测玩家的游戏成瘾水平,并且内隐人格和外显人格之间的差异,即分离程度也能够预测玩家的游戏成瘾水平。研究检验了内隐外显人格对MOBA类游戏玩家游戏成瘾的预测作用以及两者间的分离程度对玩家游戏成瘾的预测作用和卷入度在其中的中介作用。研究中73名有效被试完成了内隐联想测验任务测得内隐的大五人格,填写《大五人格量表》《游戏成瘾量表》和《卷入度问卷》分别测量外显的大五人格、玩家的游戏成瘾得分和卷入度得分,进行了逐步回归分析后研究结果发现内隐的宜人性能够预测玩家的卷入度;外显的神经质能够预测玩家的游戏成瘾水平;神经质的内隐外显人格分离程度能预测玩家的游戏成瘾水平,卷入度是完全中介变量。这表明神经质维度上内隐外显人格能够通过影响玩家的游戏卷入度间接影响他们的游戏成瘾水平。 Different personality dimensions may have a certain impact on the level of game addiction of MOBA gamers. These personality traits are not only explicit, but also contain implicit parts. The difference between the two reflects the conflict between the individual’s intentional and unintentional cognition of personality traits, which will also affect the player’s game addiction level, and is achieved through the intermediary variable of immersion. We assume that some of the five dimensions of implicit personality and explicit personality neuroticism can predict the player’s game addiction level, and the difference between implicit personality and explicit personality, that is, the degree of separation, can also predict the level of player’s game addiction. The study examined the predictive effect of implicit and explicit personality on the game addiction of MOBA game players, the degree of separation between the two predicts the game addiction of players, and the mediating effect of immersion. In the study, 73 effective subjects completed the implicit association test task to measure the implicit Big Five personality, and filled out the Big Five Personality Scale, the Game Addiction Scale and the Immersion Questionnaire to measure the explicit personality. After a stepwise regression analysis, the results found that implicit agreeableness can predict the player’s immersion;explicit neuroticism can predict the player’s game addiction level. The degree of neurotic separation of implicit and explicit personality can predict the level of game addiction of the player, and the degree of immersion is a completely mediating variable. This indicates that in the neurotic dimension, implicit and explicit personality can indirectly affect the level of game addiction of players by affecting their degree of game immersion.
作者 刘扬
出处 《心理学进展》 2021年第3期832-845,共14页 Advances in Psychology
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