

The Relationship between Life Meaning Sense and Mental Health of Physical Disabled Persons: The Mediating Role of Intentionality Self-Regulation
摘要 目的:探讨肢体残疾人生命意义感、意向性自我调节和心理健康的关系。方法:方便采样,对广东省985名肢体残疾人施测生活目的量表(PIL)、意向性自我调节问卷(ISRQ)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)。结果:(1) PIL总均分及各维度得分与SCL-90总均分及各维度得分均呈显著负相关(r = −0.539~−0.883, p 【0.01),PIL四个维度与SCL-90总分相关程度由高至低依次为:生活目标、生活价值、生活态度、生活自主(r = −0.789, p 【0.01;r = −0.725, p 【0.01;r = −0.607, p 【0.01;r = −0.561, p 【0.01)。(2) ISRQ总分及各维度均分与SCL-90总均分及各维度得分均呈显著负相关(r = −0.497~−0.813, p 【0.01),ISRQ四个维度与SCL-90总分相关程度由高至低依次为:对待丧失的选择意向、补偿意向、优化意向、选择意向(r = −0.813, p 【0.01;r = −0.796, p 【0.01;r = −0.636, p 【0.01;r = −0.569, p 【0.01)。(3) PIL总分及四个维度与ISRQ总分及四个维度之间均呈显著正相关(r = 0.691~0.786, p 【0.01),ISRQ对待丧失的选择意向维度与PIL的生活目标维度相关程度最高,ISRQ对待丧失的选择维度与PIL生活价值维度的相关程度次之(r = 0.788, p 【0.01;r = 0.700, p 【0.01)。(4) 意向性自我调节各维度分别在生命意义感对心理健康的影响中具有部分中介作用,意向性自我调节的补偿意向维度中介效应占总效应的比例为27.78%;意向性自我调节的优化意向维度中介效应占总效应的比例为24.59%。意向性自我调节的选择意向维度中介效应占总效应的比例为19.39%;意向性自我调节的对丧失的选择意向维度中介效应占总效应的比例为30.27%。结论:(1) 生命意义感和意向性自我调节能力越强,其心理健康水平越高;生命意义感可以直接预测心理健康,也可通过意向性调节影响心理健康。(2) 肢体残疾人意向性自我调节各维度在生命意义感与心理健康之间呈现了程度不等的部分中介效应,提示心理健康工作者在促进肢体残疾人心理康复工作中非常有必要以团体心理辅导形式开展生命意义教育,以意向性自我调节各维度在生命意义感与心理健康间的中介效应程度为参考,依序开展针对各个维度相关意向性自我调节策略团体心理训练,并兼以生活化、日常化的心理支持促进意向性自我调节策略意识和能力的发展。 Objective: To explore the relationship between sense of life meaning, intentionality self-regulation and mental health of disabled persons. Methods: A total of 985 people with physical disabilities in Guangdong province were tested by symptom self-rating scale (SCL-90), purpose in-life test (PIL) and intentionality self-regulation questionnaire (ISRQ). Results: (1) There was significant negative correlation among the total mean score and the mean score of each dimension of SCL-90 and the total mean score and the mean score of each dimension of PIL (r = −0.539~−0.883, p <0.01). The degree of correlation between the four dimensions of PIL and the total score of SCL-90 from high to low is: life goal, life value, life attitude and life (r = −0.789, p <0.01;r = −0.725, p <0.01;r = −0.607, p <0.01;r = −0.561, p <0.01). (2) The total score of ISRQ and the mean score of each dimension were significantly negative correlated with the total mean score of SCL-90 and the mean score of each dimension (r = −0.497~−0.813, p <0.01). The degree of correlation between the four dimensions of ISRQ and the total score of SCL-90 from high to low was: choice intention to deal with loss, compensation intention, optimization intention, and choice intention (r = −0.813, p <0.01;r = −0.796, p <0.01;r = −0.636, p <0.01;r = −0.569, p <0.01). (3) There were significant positive correlations between the total score and four dimensions of PIL and the total score and four dimensions of ISRQ (r = 0.691~0.786, p <0.01). The choice intention to deal with loss of ISQR had the highest correlation with the life goal dimension of PIL, followed by the choice intention of ISRQ had the highest correlation with the life value dimension of PIL. (4) Each dimension of intentionality self-regulation had a partial mediating effect between sense of life meaning and mental health, and the mediating effect of the compensating dimension of intentionality self-regulation accounted for 27.78% of the total effect. The mediating effect of optimization intention dimension accounted for 24.59% of the total effect. The mediating effect of choice intention dimension accounted for 19.39% of the total effect. The mediating effect of the choice intention to deal with loss dimension accounted for 30.27% of the total effect. Conclusion: The stronger the sense of life meaning and intentionality self-regulation, the higher the level of mental health. The sense of life meaning can directly predict mental health, and it can also influence mental health through intentionality regulation.
出处 《心理学进展》 2021年第6期1607-1617,共11页 Advances in Psychology
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