目的:探究性格优势干预对大学生心理成长和情绪的作用。方法:采用前后测实验设计,对在校40名大学生进行基于性格优势的团体心理辅导活动,评价性格优势干预对大学生心理成长与情绪的效果。结果:1) 大学生的心理成长水平总体显著提高。分量表中,除新的可能性维度外,与他人的关系、个人力量、精神改变、对生活的欣赏五个维度得分均显著提高。2) 大学生在经过干预后的情绪水平有所变化。幸福感得分水平显著提高。抑郁情绪也有所提高,但干预前后的抑郁水平均远低于抑郁评定临界值。结论:性格优势干预对提高大学生幸福感、引发对自我的思考与促进大学生心理成长与心理健康具有积极效果。
Objective: To research the effect of intervention based on character-strength in promoting the positive growth and emotion among college students. Methods: The group counseling of using pre-and-post measurement design was composed to test 40 college students. Results: 1) The positive growth level of college students improved significantly. Except new possibilities, other dimensions include relating to others, personal strengths, spiritual change and appreciation of life all showed significant improvement. 2) There were also significant differences in emotion of college students. Through intervention, the rate of well-being increased. Depression also increased but it was not up to rating in either evaluations. Conclusion: The explosion of character-strength can be beneficial to the promotion of well-being, positive growth and mental health to college students.
Advances in Psychology