目的:探索家庭教养方式与身体欣赏对初中生心理健康的影响。方法:采用方便取样,在广东东莞地区选取963名在校初中生进行问卷星调查,调查问卷含有一般人口学资料,简易心理健康量表、家庭教养方式量表和身体欣赏量表等。结果:1) 专制型教养方式和忽视型教养方式对Kessler10量表得分有显著正向预测作用(β = 0.098, β = 0.272, p 【0.05),民主型教养方式对Kessler10量表得分有显著负向预测作用(β = −0.214, p 【0.001);2) 身体欣赏在专制型和忽视型的教养方式与初中生心理健康之间起部分中介作用。结论:家庭教养方式、身体欣赏与心理健康关系密切,专制型和忽视型的家庭教养方式可以直接影响心理健康,身体欣赏起到了中介作用。
Objective: To explore the effect of parenting style and body appreciation on metal health in middle school students. Methods: The sample included 963 students of middle schools in Dongguan area of Guangdong Province. The questionnaire included general demographic data, Kessler 10 Scale, Parenting Style Questionnaire and The Cantonese version of the BAS-2 Scale. Results: 1) Autocratic and neglected upbringing had significant positive predictive effect on Kessler 10 score (β = 0.098, β = 0.272, p <0.05), democratic upbringing had a significant negative effect on Kessler 10 score (β = −0.214, p <0.001);2) Body appreciation partially mediated the relationship between autocratic and neglected education and mental health of middle school students. Conclusion: Parenting style, body appreciation are closely related to mental health, autocratic and neglected upbringing can directly affect mental health, and body appreciation plays an intermediary role.
Advances in Psychology