

An Analysis of Mason’s Interpersonal Relationships in Boyhood from the Perspective of Attachment Theory
摘要 儿童早期与父母形成的依恋关系会影响他们对人生中各类人际关系的处理方式。约翰•鲍尔比的依恋理论着眼于母婴关怀对儿童心理发展的影响,开创了研究儿童心理发展的新视角。本文首先对该理论进行了分析介绍;其次基于该理论分析电影《少年时代》的主人公梅森成长过程中的依恋关系,并通过内部工作模式剖析梅森的人际关系认知模式和内心世界的变化过程;最后结合梅森的成长过程分析早期形成的母婴依恋对个体认知的影响机制和依恋理论对于个体心理修复心理创伤的重要意义。 The attachment relationship built in babyhood between children and their parents has an impact on their ways of treating various interpersonal relationships. John Bowlby’s attachment theory focuses on the influences of infant-mother care on children’s psychological development, which initiates a new perspective on the research of children’s psychological development. This paper mainly includes three parts: the first part is the introduction and analysis of attachment theory;the second part reports Mason’s interpersonal relationships based on the attachment theory, and studies the changing process of his interpersonal cognitive framework and his inner world in the light of internal working model;the third part presents the influence mechanism of infant-mother attachment built in infancy on individual’s cognition, and the significance of attachment theory for individual’s psychological trauma healing by analyzing Mason's growth process.
作者 张素月 李燕
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第1期253-258,共6页 Advances in Psychology
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