
小学儿童在文本阅读中的情境模型构建 被引量:1

Situation Model Construction of Primary School Children’s Text Reading
摘要 情境模型是在阅读理解材料的命题表征与阅读者的背景知识的相互作用下,经推理而形成的关于阅读材料内容的心理表征,是小学儿童文本阅读能力发展的重要组成部分。小学儿童情境模型构建的影响因素除时间、人物、因果和目的外,还包括公用指标、间断数量、教育环境、是否插入图画等因素。儿童情境模型的构建能力在小学时期开始出现显著变化,由表层信息编码逐步转为情境模型编码。本文在综述基础上,提出情境模型在小学儿童教育过程中的启示以及包括实验对象、多媒体电子阅读、情境模型的自动化等方向的后续研究展望。 The situation model is a psychological representation of the content of reading materials formed by reasoning under the interaction of propositional representation of reading comprehension materials and readers’ background knowledge. It is an important part of the development of primary school children’s text reading ability. In addition to time, character, causality and purpose, the influencing factors of the construction of the situational model for primary school children also include public indicators, the number of interruptions, educational environment, whether to insert pictures, etc. Children’s ability to construct situational models began to change significantly in primary school and gradually changed from surface information encoding to situational model encoding. Based on the reviews, this study put forward the enlightenment of the situation model in the education process of primary school children, and the follow-up research prospects including experimental subjects, multimedia e-reading, and the automation of the situation model.
作者 林家慧 王娟
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第3期815-821,共7页 Advances in Psychology
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