

The Impact of Negative Family Expressiveness on Externalizing Problems of Adolescence: A Moderated Mediation Model
摘要 目的:本研究旨在探讨消极家庭情绪表露对青少年外化问题的影响,以及抑郁的中介作用和友谊质量的调节作用。方法:采用家庭情绪氛围量表(FEQ),青少年自评量表(YSR),贝克抑郁量表第2版中文版(BDI-II-C)和关系网络问卷(NRI),对河北省某中学的398名七年级和八年级学生进行测量。结果:1) 消极家庭情绪表露对青少年外化问题行为有显著影响;2) 抑郁在消极家庭情绪表露与青少年外化问题行为之间起中介作用;3) 友谊质量在中介模型的前后路径中起调节作用。本研究提示消极家庭情绪表露和抑郁与青少年外化问题行为的增加有关,关注消极家庭情绪表露的负面影响并寻找更多的方法来应对消极家庭情绪表露至关重要,特别应当关注友谊质量较低的个体。 Objective: The present study aimed to explore the effect of negative family expressiveness (NFE) on adolescents’ externalizing problems, as well as the mediating role of depression and the mod-erating role of friendship quality. Methods: A total of 398 middle school students in Hebei, China, were asked to provide demographic information and complete the Family Expressiveness Ques-tionnaire (FEQ), Youth Self-Report (YSR), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II-C), and the Net-work of Relationships Inventory (NRI). Results: 1) NFE had a significant effect on adolescent ex-ternalizing problems;2) Depression played a mediating role between NFE and externalizing problems of adolescence;3) Friendship quality played a moderating role in the front and back paths of the intermediary model. These findings demonstrated that NFE and depression were as-sociated with the increased externalizing problems of adolescence. It is important to pay attention to the negative impact of NFE, and find more ways to cope with NFE, especially for those with low friendship quality.
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第4期1049-1060,共12页 Advances in Psychology
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