

An Addition Account of Responsibility Judgments in the Cooperation Task
摘要 目的:先前的研究发现,人们在对合作任务中的原因进行责任判断时,判断每个原因都要对结果负全部责任。这不符合现实经验。提出合作任务责任判断的加法解释。加法解释预测:在合作任务中,原因的作用越大,对原因的责任判断会越多;并且合作任务中所有原因的责任的总和等于全部责任。方法:被试为某普通大学的在校本科大学生120人,通过两个纸笔情境实验分别考察了合作任务结果发生前和发生后原因的作用对责任判断的影响。结果:两个实验结果一致表明,被试根据原因在导致结果中的作用来做相应的责任判断,对原因的责任判断随原因作用增加而增加;并且合作任务中所有原因的责任的总和接近全部责任。结论:合作任务中的责任判断符合加法原则。 Objective: Previous studies conclude that for a cooperation task involving multiple causes and a joint outcome, each cause bears the full responsibility for the outcome. This is not consistent with human practices. According to practical experience, the authors propose an addition account for responsibility judgments in the cooperation task. The addition account involves two points: The correlation principle that responsibility judgments should increase with the role of causes in a cooperation task, and the addition principle that the sum of responsibility judgments for multiple causes should be equal to the full responsibility. Methods: Two experiments tested the two principles in prospective and retrospective responsibility judgment, respectively. 120 college students participated in the experiments. Results: The two experiments consistently demonstrate that for each of the unequal-role problems, responsibility ratings increased with the role of causes. And for each problem, the sum of mean responsibility ratings for each cause approximated the full responsibility. Conclusion: Responsibility judgments in the cooperation task followed the addition principle.
作者 朱明一
机构地区 湖北医药学院
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第6期1997-2006,共10页 Advances in Psychology
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