目的:探究明暗环境下延迟时间对延迟折扣的影响。方法:采用实验法,通过控制8盏40 w的灯管操控明暗程度,诱发被试的情绪变化;采用《正性负性情绪自评量表》测量被试的情绪诱发程度;使用E-prime软件编程,通过电脑控制软件进行延迟折扣实验,提供不同延迟时间条件下不同延迟奖赏的选择,考查被试在延迟奖赏任务中的主观相等点。结果:延迟的时间主效应显著,延迟时间与明暗条件交互作用显著。结论:在明亮环境中,被试会诱发正性情绪,选择延迟的较高的奖励;相反,在昏暗环境下,被试会诱发负性情绪,选择即时的较低的奖励。
Objective: To explore the effect of delay time on delay discounting in light and dark environment. Research methods: Through the experimental method, 8 40 W lamps were controlled to control the degree of brightness and darkness, and the emotional changes of the subjects were induced. The positive and negative emotion Self-rating Scale was used to measure the degree of emotional induction. A delay discounting experiment was conducted by using E-Prime software to provide participants with different choice of delay reward under different delay time. The subjective equality of participants in the delay reward task was examined. Results: The main effect of delay time was significant, and the interaction between delay time and light and shade condition was significant. Conclusion: In the bright environment, the subjects would induce positive emotions and choose the delayed higher reward. In contrast, in the dim environment, the subjects would evoke negative emotions and chose the immediate lower reward.
Advances in Psychology