目的:调查毕业综合演练期间武警医学生不良情绪、应对效能水平以及睡眠质量状况,探讨武警医学生睡眠质量的影响因素。方法:采用应对效能量表、睡眠质量量表和抑郁–焦虑–压力量表对300名武警医学生进行问卷调查,通过回归和中介效应检验,探讨毕业综合演练期间武警医学生不良情绪、应对效能水平与睡眠质量的关系。结果:武警医学生的睡眠质量总分的平均分为6.46 ±3.39。睡眠质量与不良情绪、自信程度、胜任力和认知水平均存在显著相关关系,应对效能在不良情绪与睡眠间中介效应显著。结论:本研究武警医学生的整体睡眠质量良好,不良情绪水平偏低,应对效能水平较高,应对效能在不良情绪与睡眠质量间起中介作用,为下一步的心理干预工作提供了实证依据。
Objective: To investigate the level of adverse emotions, coping efficacy and sleep quality of armed police medical students during the graduation exercise, to assess the effects of adverse emotions and coping efficacy on the sleep quality of armed police medical students, and to provide a scientific basis for psychological protection work. Methods: The Coping Efficacy Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory and Depression-Anxiety-Stress Inventory were used to investigate the factors influencing the sleep of 300 armed police medical students during the graduation exercise. Results: The mean score of the total sleep quality score of armed police medical students was 6.46 ±3.39. Sleep quality was positively correlated with stress, anxiety and depression confidence level, competence and cognitive level to varying degrees, and coping efficacy had a significant mediating effect in the effect of poor mood on sleep. Conclusion: In this study, the overall sleep quality of armed police medical students was good, the level of bad mood was low, the level of coping efficacy was high, and coping efficacy mediated the relationship between bad mood and sleep quality, which provided an empirical basis for the next psychological intervention.
Advances in Psychology