

Status of Mental Health Literacy and Influencing Factors of College Students in Shaanxi Province under the Background of COVID-19
摘要 目的:了解新冠疫情背景下大学生心理健康素养现状并探索其影响因素。方法:使用分层整群随机抽样法,采用一般资料调查表、国民心理健康素养问卷,于2022年4月对陕西省1074名大学生进行问卷调查。运用t检验、方差分析、多元线性回归进行统计分析。结果:1) 1030名陕西省大学生心理健康素养均分为(34.94 &#177;10.63),处于中等偏低水平,回答正确率为58.22%。2) 多元线性回归分析结果显示,资源可获取性(β = 0.340, t = 12.132, P < 0.001)、间接求助经历(β = 0.065, t = 2.081, P = 0.038)、性别(β = −0.177, t = −6.138, P < 0.001)、生源所在地(β = 0.082, t = 2.758, P = 0.006)、专业类别(β = 0.082, t = 3.614, P < 0.001)、专业求助经历(β = 0.053, t = 2.066, P < 0.001)、非专业求助经历(β = −0.057, t = −2.132, P = 0.029)等因素均对大学生心理健康素养水平产生影响,能够解释其22.3%的变异量。结论:陕西省大学生心理健康素养处于中偏低水平,学校层面应针对男生、农村生源大学生、体育类专业大学生等群体开展针对性干预,并面向全体学生开展与自杀应对相关的知识教育。 Objective: To explore and analyze the mental health literacy and influencing factors of college students in Shaanxi Province through a questionnaire survey, and to provide reference for im-proving the mental health literacy level of college students. Methods: Stratified cluster random sampling method was used to investigate 1074 college students in Shaanxi Province in April 2022 by using the general information questionnaire and National Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire. t-test, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression were used for statistical analysis Results: The overall mental health literacy level of students was middle, with a mean score of 34.94 &#177;10.63 points and a correct response rate of 58.22%. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that accessibility to help resource (β = 0.340, t = 12.132, P < 0.001), indirect help-seeking experience(β = 0.065, t = 2.081, P = 0.038), gender (β = −0.177, t = −6.138, P < 0.001), family location (β = 0.082, t = 2.758, P = 0.006), academic directions (β = 0.082, t = 3.614, P < 0.001), professional helping behavior (β = 0.053, t = 2.066, P < 0.001), unprofessional helping behavior (β = −0.057, t = −2.132, P = 0.029) had an impact on students, mental health literacy, which could explain 22.3% of the variation. Conclusions: The mental health literacy of college students in Shaanxi Province is at a medium and low level. Targeted intervention should be carried out for male students, rural students and college students majoring in sports, and knowledge education related to suicide coping should be carried out for all students.
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第10期3405-3411,共7页 Advances in Psychology
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