职前幼儿教师是幼儿园教师的储备力量,其主观幸福感的水平直接影响未来的幼师群体质量及其与幼儿的互动。是否具有较高的情绪意识水平,准确感知和描述个体的情绪,可能影响个体的主观幸福感水平。本研究采用多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS-20)测查224名职前幼儿教师的情绪意识水平,使用生活满意度量表(SWLS)和积极情感消极情感量表(PANAS)测查其主观幸福感水平。结果表明:1) 职前幼儿教师的情绪意识和主观幸福感水平均存在显著的性别和年级差异,女生的外向性思维能力和生活满意度水平均高于男生,情绪意识水平和主观幸福感水平随着年级的增长显著提高。2) 职前幼儿教师情绪意识水平显著预测其主观幸福感水平和正负性情绪体验,具体而言,情绪意识量表中“情绪识别障碍”维度显著负向预测其生活满意度水平和积极情感体验,显著正向预测个体的消极情感体验。结论:职前幼儿教师的情绪意识水平显著影响其主观幸福感水平,未来可以通过情绪意识水平的训练和干预,提升其情绪感知能力,从而提高幼儿教师群体的主观幸福感水平。
Pre-service preschool teachers are the reserve force of preschool teachers and their level of subjective well-being directly affects the quality of the future preschool teacher population and their interactions with young children. Whether one has a high level of emotional awareness and accurately perceives and describes one’s emotions may affect one’s subjective well-being. This study adopted a questionnaire survey, conducting an online survey of 224 pre-service preschool teachers. Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) was used to measure the level of emotional awareness development of pre-service preschool teachers. Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) was used to measure the level of subjective well-being development of pre-service preschool teachers. The results found that there were significant differences in the emotional awareness and subjective well-being of pre-service preschool students by gender and grade, with girls having higher extroverted thinking skills and life satisfaction level than boys, and the level of emotional awareness and subjective well-being increased significantly with the increase of grade. Pre-service preschool teachers’ emotional awareness level significantly predicts their subjective well-being level and positive and negative emotional experience. Specifically, the dimension of “emotional recognition disorder” in the emotional awareness scale significantly negatively predicts their life satisfaction level and positive emotional experience, and significantly positively predicts individual negative emotional experience. Result: Pre-service preschool teachers’ emotional awareness significantly affects their subjective well-being. In the future, the training and intervention of emotional awareness can improve their emotional perception ability, so as to improve the subjective well-being of preschool teachers.
Advances in Psychology