

The Influence of Performance Informing on Individuals’ Trust toward Autonomous Machines and Acceptance of Autonomous Machine’ Ethical Advice
摘要 基于自动化的信任校准视角,本研究探讨了性能感知与人们对自主机器道德决策建议接受度的关系,以及信任在其间的中介作用。采用随机抽样的方法,邀请202名被试参加了本研究,以假设的决策情境为研究材料,探讨性能告知能否提高人们对自主机器道德决策建议的接受度。结果发现,性能告知与人们对自主机器的信任和道德决策建议接受度均呈显著正相关,且信任在其间发挥着中介作用。本研究表明,性能告知能够提高人们对自主机器道德决策建议的接受度。 This study aimed to investigate the relationship between performance informing and individuals’ acceptance of autonomous machine ethical advice, and the role of trust in the relationship from the perspective of trust calibration in the field of automation. Using a random sampling method, 202 participants were invited to participate in this study, and the hypothetical decision-making scenario was used as the research material to explore whether performance information can improve people’s acceptance of autonomous machine’ ethical advice. The results showed that performance informing correlated positively with trust and acceptance of autonomous machine ethical advice, and trust played a mediating role in the relationship. This study demonstrated that performance informing can increase people’s acceptance of autonomous machine’ ethical advice.
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第11期3659-3665,共7页 Advances in Psychology
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