目的:为探讨自我关注与亲社会行为之间的关系,同时进一步了解自尊和关系型自我构念在自我关注与亲社会行为间的作用机制,采用自我关注量表、自尊量表、关系型自我构念量表和亲社会行为倾向量表对天津某高校大学生进行调查,共收集问卷438份。结果表明:1) 自我关注对亲社会行为有显著正向预测作用;2) 自尊在自我关注和亲社会行为之间起部分中介作用;3) 关系型自我构念显著调节自我关注对自尊的影响,对调节作用进一步分析表明,关系型自我构念水平高的大学生的自我关注对自尊具有更显著的正向预测作用。本研究构建了一个有调节的中介模型,即自我关注不仅能正向影响亲社会行为,还能通过自尊对其产生间接影响,同时关系型自我构念在自我关注对自尊的影响中起调节作用,为亲社会行为的影响机制提供了实证和新的视角。
In order to explore the relationship between self-focused attention and prosocial behavior, and further understand the mechanism of self-esteem and relational-interdependent self-construal in self-focused attention and prosocial behavior, a total of 438 college students in a university in Tianjin were investigated by using Prosocial Tendencies Measure, the Self-esteem Scale, Self-Focused Attention Scale and Relational-Interdependent Self-Construal Scale. The results show that: 1) Self-focused attention has a significantly positive predictive effect on prosocial behavior;2) Self-esteem plays a partial mediating role between self-focused attention and prosocial behavior;3) Relational-interdependent self-construal significantly moderates the influence of self-focused attention on self-esteem. Further analysis of the moderating effect shows that the self-focused attention of college students with high level of relational-interdependent self-construal has a more significantly positive predictive effect on the self-esteem. This study constructs a moderated mediation model, that is, self-focused attention can not only positively affect prosocial behavior, but also indirectly affect them through self-esteem, and relational-interdependent self-construal moderates the effect of self-focused attention on self-esteem, which provides an empirical and new perspective for the influence mechanism of prosocial behavior.
Advances in Psychology