

A Review of Stimulation Mechanism and Coping Strategies of Employee Online Impression Management Motivation
摘要 随着信息与通讯技术(information and communication technologies)的快速发展,企业如何在这种与外部协作的复杂背景下处理好企业社交媒体对员工行为产生的影响,对于企业发展至关重要。印象管理动机内涵丰富,有学者根据心理机制的不同对其整理与研究,区分出两类印象管理动机:获得性印象管理动机与和防御性印象管理动机。不同类型的印象管理动机促使员工使用不同的印象管理策略来面对工作压力与挑战,从而对员工行为产生不同的影响,其内在心理机制需要进一步的研究和区分,才能更好地对两者关系进行准确的阐释。如何在信息时代里,引导员工正确的使用社交媒体,促进员工进行积极导向印象管理,是当下亟需解决的问题。 With the fast development of information and communication technology, how to deal with the impact of enterprise social media on the behavior of employees in this complex context of cooperation with external enterprises is crucial to enterprise development. Impression management motivation is rich in connotation. Some scholars organize and study two kinds of impression management motivation in two categories according to different psychological mechanisms: Assertive Impression Management Motivation and Defensive Impression Management Motivation. Different types of impression management motivation encourage employees to use different impression management strategies to face work pressure and challenges, which has different effects on employee behavior. Its internal psychological mechanism needs further research and differentiation, in order to better explain the relationship between the two. How to guide employees to use social media correctly in the information age, promote employees to actively guide the impression management, is an urgent problem to be solved right now.
作者 蔡勇
出处 《心理学进展》 2022年第12期4246-4253,共8页 Advances in Psychology
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