

A Study of Personality Traits of College Students in Typical Entrepreneurs
摘要 为探讨大学生典型创业人格观,通过开放问卷对404名大学生被试进行调查,结果发现:共获典型创业者39人,被提及最多的是马云、俞敏洪、比尔盖茨、史蒂夫乔布斯等人;被试更愿意选择男性创业者作为典型的代表;与大学生相关的行业的创业者更容易被大学生认可;大学生认为的典型创业者应具备的人格特征包括12个大类64个小类。最后,对调查结果进行了讨论,认为大学生创业人格观与国外研究结果既有相同之处,也有其自身的特点。 In order to investigate the personality traits of college students in typical entrepreneurs, 404 college students were participated in this study. The results showed that there were 39 typical entrepreneurs, including Ma Yun, Yu Minhong, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc.;The subjects prefer to choose male entrepreneurs as typical representatives;Entrepreneurs in industries related to college students are more likely to be approved by college students;The personality characteristics that college students think typical entrepreneurs should include 12 major categories and 64 minor categories. Finally, the survey results were discussed, college students’ entrepreneurial personality has both similarities and characteristics with foreign research results.
作者 李大为
出处 《心理学进展》 2023年第4期1562-1568,共7页 Advances in Psychology
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