

The Psychological Influence Mechanism of “Depression Public Relation”: Network Moral Emotion
摘要 抑郁公关是随着互联网的大规模覆盖和普及而新兴的一种公关手段。为了考察抑郁公关得以奏效的心理机制,本文以社会公众为被试,采用问卷法与实验法,通过两个子研究先后测量144名与171名被试对不同网络群体的道德情感及在不同群体类型下对负面信息的接受程度,并进行相关分析。结果表明,社会公众对抑郁症群体与非抑郁症群体的网络道德情感存在差异,对于抑郁症群体有着更高的网络道德情感;网络道德情感是抑郁公关能够奏效的重要心理机制。 Depression public relations are new public relations mean that has emerged with the massive reach and popularity of the Internet. In order to investigate the psychological mechanisms that make depression public relations effective, this research uses questionnaires and experimental methods to measure the moral feelings of 144 and 171 subjects towards different online groups and their acceptance of negative information under different group types, and conducts correla-tion analysis. The results show that there are differences in the public’s online moral feelings to-wards depressed groups and non-depressed groups, with higher online moral feelings towards depressed groups, which means online moral feelings are an important psychological mechanism for the effectiveness of depression public relations.
出处 《心理学进展》 2023年第5期2036-2047,共12页 Advances in Psychology
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