为探索中高年级小学生学习坚毅、自尊的现状与关系,本研究通过自编小学生学习坚毅问卷以及自尊量表(SES)对426名中高年级小学生进行测查。结果显示:1) 小学生学习坚毅问卷由两个维度构成:积极努力与目标驱动;2) 男女生的自尊水平与学习坚毅均不存在显著差异。五年级学生的自尊水平以及学习坚毅均显著高于其他三个年级的学生;3) 自尊水平不仅与中高年级小学生的学习坚毅存在显著的正向相关,而且能正向预测中高年级小学生的学习坚毅品质。研究结论为:1) 自编小学生学习坚毅量表信效度良好,能够作为小学生学习坚毅品质的有效测量工具;2) 中高年级小学生自尊水平以及学习坚毅不会受性别的影响,但在一定程度上会受年级的影响;3) 中高年级小学生自尊水平与学习坚毅密切相关;4) 中高年级小学生自尊水平越高,学习坚毅品质越优秀,学校及家庭可以通过提高中高年级小学生的自尊水平,进而提升他们的学习坚毅品质。文中标题、正文、图、表定义和引用格式均根据汉斯标准。
In order to explore status quo and relationship of perseverance and self-esteem of middle and high grade pupils, 426 primary school students were investigated with self-designed learning persis-tence questionnaire and self-esteem scale (SES). The results showed that: 1) There were two di-mensions in the questionnaire: positive effort and goal-driven;2) There is no significant difference between male and female students in self-esteem and learning perseverance. The fifth grade stu-dents’ self-esteem level and learning perseverance were significantly higher than those of the other three grades;3) The self-esteem level is not only positively correlated with the learning persistence of middle and high grade pupils, but also positively predicted the learning persistence of middle and high grade pupils. The results are as follows: 1) The self-made scale has good reliability and va-lidity, and can be used as an effective measuring tool for pupils’ perseverance quality;2) The self-esteem level and learning persistence of middle and upper grade pupils were not affected by gender, but to some extent they were affected by grade;3) The self-esteem level of middle and high grade pupils is closely related to their learning perseverance;4) The higher the level of self-esteem, the better the quality of perseverance in learning. Schools and families can improve the self-esteem of middle and senior primary students, thus enhancing their learning perseverance. Title, main text, figure, table and references are defined, and this document is formatted according to the Hans standard, which illustrates all the formats.
Advances in Psychology