采用随机抽样方法,向青少年(12周岁至18周岁)发放问卷。问卷由《中学生亲子冲突归因量表》、《青少年社交焦虑量表》(SAS-A, 1999)和《青少年病理性互联网使用量表》(APIUS)三份量表组成。共收回有效问卷694份。主要考察亲子冲突、网络成瘾与社交焦虑在不同条件下的状况和差异,以及三个变量间的相关关系与中介效应。运用t检验、方差分析相关分析、bootstrap抽样法等方法,结果发现:1) 青少年亲子冲突、社交焦虑和网络成瘾均处较低水平。2) 青少年亲子冲突、社交焦虑和网络成瘾均与年龄存在显著正相关,其中网络成瘾在不同年龄下存在显著性差异。3) 家庭月收入2万以上和居住在城市的青少年网络成瘾程度高于其他情况下的青少年。4) 青少年男性网络成瘾程度高于女性,但青少年女性社交焦虑程度高于男性。5) 青少年亲子冲突、社交焦虑和网络成瘾间呈显著正相关。6) 网络成瘾在青少年亲子冲突和社交焦虑间发挥部分中介作用。最后,针对青少年亲子冲突、社交焦虑和网络成瘾问题提出解决对策。本研究丰富青少年亲子冲突、社交焦虑和网络成瘾在性别、年龄、居住地、家庭类型、家庭收入等方面的结果,有利于推动青少年领域研究进一步发展,促进青少年健康发展。
Questionnaires were distributed to adolescents (12 to 18 years old) using random sampling. The questionnaire consisted of three scales: the Parent-Child Conflict Attribution Scale for Middle School Students, the Adolescent Social Anxiety Scale (SAS-A, 1999) and the Adolescent Pathological Inter-net Usage Scale (APIUS). A total of 694 valid questionnaires were returned. It mainly examines the status and differences of parent-child conflict, Internet addiction and social anxiety under different conditions, as well as the correlation relationship and mediating effect between the three variables. Using t-test, ANOVA correlation analysis, bootstrap sampling and other methods, the results show that: 1) Adolescent parent-child conflict, social anxiety and Internet addiction are all at a low level. 2) Adolescent parent-child conflict, social anxiety and Internet addiction were all positively corre-lated with age, and Internet addiction had significant differences at different ages. 3) Adolescents with a monthly household income of more than 20,000 and living in cities have a higher degree of Internet addiction than adolescents in other circumstances. 4) The degree of Internet addiction among adolescent males is higher than that of females, but the degree of social anxiety of adolescent females is higher than that of men. 5) There was a significant positive correlation between par-ent-child conflict, social anxiety and Internet addiction among adolescents. 6) Internet addiction plays a partial mediating role in adolescent parent-child conflict and social anxiety. Finally, solu-tions to the problems of parent-child conflict, social anxiety and Internet addiction are proposed. This study enriches the results of adolescent parent-child conflict, social anxiety and Internet ad-diction in terms of gender, age, place of residence, family type, family income, etc., which is condu-cive to promoting the further development of adolescent research and promoting the healthy de-velopment of adolescents.
Advances in Psychology