目的:了解中小学生歧视知觉对学校适应的作用机制,建立以自尊为中介变量的模型。方法:采用了歧视知觉量表、自尊量表、学校适应性量表对广西壮族自治区1200名中小学生进行调查。结果:1) 中小学生学校适应、自尊与歧视知觉存在显著负相关,学校适应与自尊存在显著正相关;2) 中小学生歧视知觉水平对自尊具有直接的负向预测作用,歧视知觉对学校适应存在显著负向预测作用,自尊显著正向预测学校适应;3) 自尊在歧视知觉与学校适应之间存在显著的部分中介作用。结论:歧视知觉能显著负向预测中小学生的学校适应,自尊在歧视知觉与学校适应之间起中介作用。
Objective: To understand the mechanism of discrimination perception of primary and secondary school students on school adaptation, and to establish a model with self-esteem as the mediating variable. Methods: A survey of 1200 primary and secondary school students in Guangxi Zhuang Au-tonomous Region was conducted using the Discrimination Perception Scale, Self-esteem Scale and School Adaptability Scale. Results: 1) There was a significant negative correlation between school adaptation, self-esteem and discriminatory perception among primary and secondary school stu-dents, and a significant positive correlation between school adaptation and self-esteem. 2) The level of discrimination perception of primary and secondary school students has a direct negative pre-dictive effect on self-esteem, discrimination perception has a significant negative predictive effect on school adaptation, and self-esteem significantly positively predicts school adaptation;3) Self-esteem plays a significant partial mediating role in the perception of discrimination and school adaptation. Conclusion: Discrimination perception can significantly negatively predict school adap-tation of primary and secondary school students, and self-esteem plays a mediating role between discrimination perception and school adaptation.
Advances in Psychology