目的:编制一个适合我国大学生创新创业竞赛积极性的测量工具,并考察大学生创新创业竞赛积极性的现状。方法:在冯江平的《员工工作积极性测评问卷》的基础上编制了初步的大学生创新创业竞赛积极性问卷。264名大学生填写了自编的大学生创新创业积极性问卷。结果:1) 探索性因素分析提取出3个因子;2) 问卷3个因子的内部一致性系数为0.880~0.921;3) 大学生创新创业竞赛积极性水平比较高;4) 大学生创新创业竞赛积极性在性别、年龄、专业上不存在差异;5) 大学生创新创业竞赛积极性在参赛动机上存在差异,如自愿参加的大学生积极性高于为了评奖学金、跟风参加的大学生。结论:1) 大学生创新创业积极性包括三个因素:认可度、参与感、价值认知;2) 自编创新创业竞赛积极性问卷有较好的内部一致性信度,有较好的结构效度和效标关联效度。
Objective: To develop a measurement tool suitable for the innovation and entrepreneurship com-petitions among undergraduates, and investigate the current state of their activeness for such competitions. Methods: A preliminary questionnaire was developed based on Feng Jiangping’s “As-sessment of the Work-related Motivation of Employees”. 264 undergraduates completed a self-designed activeness in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions questionnaire. Results: 1) An exploratory factor analysis revealed three factors. 2) Internal consistency reliability coefficients varied from 0.880 to 0.921. 3) The level of activeness in innovation and entrepreneurship competi-tions among undergraduates is relatively high. 4) There is no difference in the activeness of under-graduates in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions based on gender, age and major. 5) There are differences in the motivation of undergraduates’ activeness in innovation and entrepre-neurship competitions, such as the activeness of undergraduates who participate voluntarily is higher than that in order to obtain scholarships or follow the trend. Conclusion: 1) Activeness of undergraduates in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions including three factors: recogni-tion, participation, and values of recognition. 2) Self-developing activeness of undergraduates in in-novation and entrepreneurship competitions questionnaire illustrated satisfactory internal con-sistency reliability, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.
Advances in Psychology