External memory aids are widely used in everyday life, such as note-taking, photos, the Internet, and so on. These tools are widely used in our life and education, but the use of these tools also af-fects our memory, which has aroused the attention of researchers and has been studied. In this pa-per, by combing domestic and international studies, we discuss the effect and mechanism of exter-nal memory aids on our memory and the helping effect of external memory aids on patients with memory disorders from three aspects: notes, photos and the Internet. External memory aids have both negative and positive effects on our memory, and there are two main aspects of their influence mechanism, one aspect is to influence the attention process, and the other aspect is the cognitive of-floading hypothesis. However, the effect of the Internet on memory and the mechanism of influence is not clear. External memory aids can help the recovery of memory in brain-injured patients, but the evidence for helping the recovery of memory disorders caused by other diseases is not suffi-cient. Future research should focus on the effects and mechanisms of external memory aids, espe-cially the Internet, on memory and continue to study the effects of external memory aids on pa-tients with memory disorders in order to obtain more accurate and effective conclusions.
Advances in Psychology