目的:探究大学生成人依恋、恋爱效能感、浪漫关系满意度的关系。方法:采用亲密关系经历量表、恋爱效能感量表、亲密关系满意度量表对411名大学生进行施测。结果:1) 成人依恋、恋爱效能感和浪漫关系满意度之间两两相关;2) 成人依恋能够显著负向预测恋爱效能感;3) 恋爱效能感能够显著正向预测浪漫关系满意度;4) 恋爱效能感在成人依恋对浪漫关系满意度的影响中起到完全中介作用。结论:恋爱效能感在成人依恋对浪漫关系满意度的影响中起到完全中介作用。
Objective: To explore the relationship between adult attachment, love efficacy and romantic rela-tionship satisfaction in college students. Methods: 411 college students were tested with intimate relationship experience scale, love efficacy scale and intimate relationship satisfaction scale. Results: 1) Adult attachment, love efficacy and romantic relationship satisfaction were pairwise correlated;2) Adult attachment can significantly negatively predict love efficacy;3) Love efficacy can signifi-cantly positively predict romantic relationship satisfaction;4) Love efficacy played a completely mediating role in the effect of adult attachment on romantic relationship satisfaction. Conclusion: Love efficacy plays a completely mediating role in the effect of adult attachment on romantic rela-tionship satisfaction.
Advances in Psychology