Sign language is the language of daily communication for hearing-impaired people, which affects all aspects of their lives. Iconocity is defined as the structured mapping between mentally stored con-ceptual and phonological representations, and different scholars have carried out many studies on the role of iconocity in sign language processing. The article analyzes the theoretical explanations for the effect of iconocity in sign language processing based on the results of previous studies, in-cluding the embodied cognition, the structural mapping hypothesis, and the cognitive resource competition hypothesis. In addition, the article analyzes the controversy over the results in the previous literature and finds that the task involves a mapping between semantics and phonological form that may be necessary for the emergence of the iconocity effect in the experimental paradigm. Future research could delve deeper into the boundary conditions of the iconocity effect, the impact of sign language iconocity on deaf people’s nonverbal cognition, and the application of iconocity in authentic learning situations.
Advances in Psychology