

A Study on the Relationship between Family Parenting Styles and Online Games Addiction in College Students
摘要 大学生网络游戏成瘾的情况越来越多,预防大学生网络游戏成瘾越来越被重视,但是在进行研究时缺乏被试和实证分析,但家庭教养方式是影响大学生网络游戏成瘾的重要因素。目的:本文旨在运用数据分析的方法探讨家庭教养方式与大学生网络游戏成瘾的关系。方法:通过对数据的分析和总结得出家庭教养方式与大学生游戏网络成瘾的关系,并从学校工作介入角度为大学生网络游戏成瘾提供相关的对策。经过对长治医学院,重庆交通大学,重庆理工大学等共165名大学生进行问卷调查。结果:大学生的性别、是否为独生子女、家庭父母亲教养的拒绝维度和过度保护维度和情感温暖维度都能显著表现与网络游戏成瘾的关系。结论:1、大学生性别与网络游戏成瘾差异显著,男生比女生更容易网络成瘾,应该更加重视男生,但不忽视女生。2、大学生是否独生子女与网络游戏成瘾差异显著,独生子女比非独生子女更容易网络成瘾,应该更加重视独生子女,但不忽视非独生子女。3、父母家庭教养方式与网络游戏成瘾显著相关,父母应该更加注重调节自己的教育方式。4、家庭教养方式与网络游戏成瘾相关显著;父母采用拒绝式教养方式越多,网络游戏成瘾程度越高;母亲采用情感温暖教养方式越多,网络游戏成瘾程度越高;父母采用过度保护教养方式越多,网络游戏成瘾程度越高。5、父母家庭教养方式中的父亲拒绝维度与网络游戏成瘾回归显著,能够显著预测父亲拒绝越多,越容易网络游戏成瘾,父亲应当多加亲近孩子,不过于拒绝孩子的要求,对孩子态度更加积极。 More and more college students are addicted to online games, and more and more attention has been paid to the prevention of college students’ addiction to online games. However, there is a lack of subjects and empirical analysis in the research, but the way of family upbringing is an important factor affecting college students’ addiction to online games. Objective: To explore the relationship between family upbringing and online game addiction of college students by data analysis. Methods: Through the analysis and summary of the data, the relationship between family upbringing and college students’ online game addiction was concluded, and relevant countermeasures were pro-vided for college students’ online addiction from the perspective of school work intervention. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 165 college students in Changzhi Medical College, Chongqing Jiaotong University and Chongqing University of Technology. Result: The gender, grade, whether they are only children nor not, the refusal dimension of parenting, the over-protection di-mension and the emotional warmth dimension of college students are all significantly related to online game addiction. Conclusion: 1. There is a significant difference between gender and online game addiction. Male students are more likely to be addicted to online games than female students. We should pay more attention to male students, but not neglect female students. 2. There is a sig-nificant difference between only-child and Internet game addiction. Only-child is more likely to be Internet addicted than non-only-child. We should pay more attention to only-child, but not neglect non-only-child. 3. Parents’ family upbringing style is significantly related to online game addiction. Parents should pay more attention to adjusting their own education style. 4. There is a significant correlation between family upbringing and online game addiction;the more parents adopt refusal upbringing, the higher the degree of online game addiction;the more mothers adopt emotional warmth upbringing, the higher the degree of online game addiction;the more parents adopt over-protective upbringing, the higher the degree of online game addiction. 5. The regression be-tween father’s refusal dimension and online game addiction in parenting style is significant, which can significantly predict that the more father refuses, the more likely he is to become addicted to online games. Fathers should be more close to their children, but with refusing their children’s de-mands, they have a more positive attitude towards their children.
作者 杨紫豪
机构地区 重庆师范大学
出处 《心理学进展》 2024年第1期334-341,共8页 Advances in Psychology
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