目的:研究后疫情时代大学生心理健康状况,探讨大学生负性情绪、心理弹性及应对方式的相关关系,为提升大学生的心理健康水平提供参考。方法:采用抑郁自评量表、心理弹性量表简版以及简易应对方式问卷,对华北理工大学306名学生进行了问卷调查。结果:(1) 大学生抑郁检出率为33.3%,其中轻度、中度,重度抑郁分别为25.5%、7.1%,0.7%,女性、非双亲家庭、非独生子女及居住于乡镇的大学生抑郁得分更高。(2) 积极应对与抑郁得分均呈负相关(r = −0.508, P P β= 0.455, 95%CI = 0.280~0.646),心理弹性在积极应对及抑郁情绪之间起到部分中介效应(β = −0.377, 95%CI = −0.458~−0.228)。结论:心理弹性较低及更偏向于采用消极应对方式的大学生更容易有抑郁情绪;应对方式既可以直接影响抑郁情绪,也可以通过影响心理弹性间接影响抑郁情绪。
Objective: To study the mental health status of college students in the post-epidemic era, and to explore the correlation between negative emotions, mental resilience and coping styles of college students, so as to provide reference for improving the mental health level of college students. Methods: 306 students in North China University of Science and Technology were investigated by self-rating depression Scale, Mental resilience Scale and simple coping style questionnaire. Results: (1) The detection rate of depression among college students was 33.3%, among which mild, moderate and severe depression were 25.5%, 7.1% and 0.7%, respectively. Women, non-parents, non-only children and college students living in towns and villages had higher depression scores. (2) Positive coping was negatively correlated with depression scores (r = −0.508, P P β = 0.455, 95%CI = 0.280~0.646), and mental resilience had a partial mediating effect between positive coping and depression (β = −0.377, 95%CI = −0.458~−0.228). Conclusion: College students with lower mental resilience and more tendency to adopt negative coping styles are more likely to have depression. Coping style can not only affect depression directly, but also affect depression indirectly through influencing psychological resilience.
Advances in Psychology