目的:探讨青少年社会支持、进食紊乱、身体欣赏之间的关系,检验身体欣赏在社会支持与进食紊乱间的中介作用,中介模型成立的情况下进而对模型的性别差异进行检验。方法:采用青少年社会支持量表、身体欣赏量表、进食障碍简表,以541名中国青少年为被试展开调查。采用Spss21.0和Mplus8.3进行统计分析。结果:① 社会支持与身体欣赏呈显著正相关,社会支持、身体欣赏分别与进食紊乱呈显著负相关;② 在控制了BMI和性别后,身体欣赏在社会支持与进食紊乱之间起完全中介作用;③ 多群组分析结果表明此中介模型具有跨性别的一致性。结论:研究解释了研究变量之间相互作用机制,其关系理论可为促进青少年健康饮食行为、积极身体意象提供理论支持和干预指导。
Objectives: To examine the relationship between adolescents social support, disordered eating, and body appreciation among middle school students. The present study aimed to examine the mediating effect of body appreciation between social support and disordered eating and the moderating effect of gender. Method: A total of 541 Chinese adolescents completed measures of social support, body appreciation and disordered eating. Results: ① Social support were positively correlated with body appreciation, social support and body appreciation were negatively correlated with disordered eating. ② Body appreciation served as a mediator between social support and disordered eating after controlling for BMI and gender. ③ Multi-group invariance analysis indicates that this mediation model is consistent across genders. Conclusion: The study explains the mechanism of interaction between the study variables, and its theory of relationships may provide theoretical support and intervention guidance for promoting healthy eating behaviors and positive body image in adolescents.
Advances in Psychology