本文通过检索CNKI和Web of Science中有关情绪劳动的期刊论文,采用文献计量分析法和可视化分析法,对近十年国内外情绪劳动的研究进行了系统地归纳与整理,并分析了该领域的研究现状和研究趋势。结果:1) 国内文献数量在2018年与2021年达到两次峰值,且情绪劳动研究大致经历了三个阶段,分别为2013年~2016年、2017年~2018年、2020年至今。2) 国内研究对象从服务型企业员工逐渐向教师、护士等不同的职业群体转变,研究主题也从保护心理健康转向了探索情绪劳动在组织活动中的积极作用。3) 国外研究中形成6个聚类,分别为离职意向、绩效、心理健康、初级教师、性格情感、工作精神。结论:我国情绪劳动研究关注度在不断提高,但是研究对象局限,研究内容还有待深入,研究方法单一。
Through retrieving journal articles related to emotional labor from CNKI and Web of Science, this paper adopts bibliometric analysis and visualization analysis methods to systematically summarize and organize domestic and international research on emotional labor in the past decade, and analyzes the current status and research trends in this field. Results: 1) The number of domestic literature reached two peaks in 2018 and 2021, and emotional labor research has roughly gone through three stages, namely 2013~2016, 2017~2018, and 2020 to the present. 2) Domestic research objects have gradually shifted from service employees to different occupational groups such as teachers and nurses, and the research topics have also shifted from protecting psychological health to exploring the positive role of emotional labor in organizational activities. 3) International research has formed 6 clusters, namely turnover intention, performance, psychological health, novice teachers, personality emotions, and work spirit. Conclusion: The attention to emotional labor research in China is continuously increasing, but the research objects are limited, the research content needs to be further deepened, and the research methods are singular.
Advances in Psychology