为研究微公益慈善信息表述中的框架效应、诉求方式、价值取向对募捐效果的影响,采用2 × 2 × 2完全随机实验设计,随机选取120名被试进行实验。实验结果表明:1) 框架效应的主效应显著,消极框架比积极框架更能调动捐助者的捐赠意愿;价值取向的主效应显著,结果取向的慈善信息比意义取向的慈善信息更能引起捐赠意愿。2) 框架效应、诉求方式和价值取向之间没有交互效应。3) 不同性别、年龄的被试间不存在捐赠差异,从事过公益慈善活动的被试的捐赠意愿比没从事过的捐赠意愿强。
To explore the fund-raising effect of micro-charity message with different framework, appeals and values, the experiment used a completely randomized experimental design with 8 pieces of paper and selected 120 subjects randomly. The experimental results showed that: 1) The main effect of the framework was obvious. The charity information with negative framework was better than the charity information with positive framework. The main effect of the value orientation was obvious. The subjects’ motivation was much more stronger when the message was result-oriented. 2) There was no interaction among framework, appeals and value orientation. 3) Subjects of different sex and age had no difference in the willingness of donation. The subjects who had engaged in charitable activities were more ready to donate than the subjects who had not engaged in charitable activities.
Advances in Psychology