为了探究播放速度和知识类型对不同学习风格大学生视频学习效果的影响,共找到自愿参与实验的学生64名。采用2 × 2 × 4的混合实验设计,自变量为知识类型(陈述性知识、程序性知识)、播放速度(1.0, 1.5)和学习风格(视觉型、听觉型、写读型、动觉型),因变量为平均注视点持续时间、注视次数与测验成绩。研究结果如下:1) 知识类型在眼动数据及测验成绩上都存在主效应。2) 学习风格在眼动数据的平均注视时间上存在主效应。
In order to explore the learning effects of college students with different learning styles on different playback speeds and knowledge types of videos, a total of 64 subjects were recruited. A mixed experimental design of 2 × 2 × 4 was adopted. The independent variables were respectively knowledge types (declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge), playback speed (1.0, 1.5) and learning style (visual, auditory, writing, kinesthetic). The dependent variables are the average fixation duration, the number of fixations and test scores. The results of the research are as follows: 1) Knowledge types have main effects on eye movement data and test scores. 2) The learning style has a main effect on the average fixation time of the eye movement data.
Advances in Psychology