伴随着我国的经济发展,城市建设进程加快,大量流动人口来到城市工作,跟随父母迁移到城市的流动儿童社会融入成为亟待解决的社会问题。本文从积极心理学的视角出发,探讨社会工作如何有效介入流动儿童的社会融入。通过分析流动儿童在城市生活中面临的困境及原因,提出了基于积极心理学的社会工作介入策略,如增强自我效能感、培养心理韧性、促进社会支持网络的建立等。本文旨在为社会工作实践提供理论支持和操作指导,从而更好地帮助流动儿童融入城市生活,提升他们的整体幸福感和生活质量。With China’s economic development and accelerated urbanization, a large number of migrant populations have moved to cities for work, making the social integration of migrant children who follow their parents to urban areas a pressing social issue. This paper explores how social work can effectively intervene in the social integration of migrant children from the perspective of positive psychology. By analyzing the challenges and causes faced by migrant children in urban life, it proposes social work intervention strategies based on positive psychology, such as enhancing self-efficacy, cultivating psychological resilience, and promoting the establishment of social support networks. The aim of this paper is to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for social work practice, thereby better assisting migrant children in integrating into urban life and improving their overall well-being and quality of life.
Advances in Psychology