为了探讨高职学生社会价值取向与创造力之间的关系,以及知识共享和创新自我效能感的中介作用,采用社会价值取向滑块测验、知识共享量表、创新自我效能感量表以及Runco创新观念行为量表对363名在校高职学生进行测量。结果表明:1) 高职学生的社会价值取向可以预测其创造力表现;2) 高职学生的知识共享行为在社会价值取向与创造力间的独立中介作用显著;3) 高职学生的知识共享行为和创新自我效能感在社会价值取向与创造力之间的链式中介作用显著。结果表明,高职学生的社会价值取向通过促进知识共享行为,进一步提升创新自我效能感,最终提高创造力表现。To explore the relationship between vocational college students’ social value orientation and creativity, as well as the mediating roles of knowledge sharing and creative self-efficacy, 363 vocational college students were assessed using the Social Value Orientation Slider Measure, the Knowledge Sharing Scale, the Creative Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Runco Ideational Behavior Scale. The results showed that: 1) The social value orientation of vocational college students can predict their creativity performance;2) Knowledge sharing had a significant independent mediating effect between social value orientation and creativity;3) Knowledge sharing and creative self-efficacy played a significant chain mediating role between social value orientation and creativity. The findings indicate that vocational college students’ social value orientation enhances knowledge sharing behavior, which in turn boosts creative self-efficacy, ultimately leading to better creative performance.
Advances in Psychology