心理契约作为企业与员工之间一种潜在的期望,承载着双方均没有采用书面形式表达的责任与期望,影响着员工与企业的内在关系。随着互联网的发展,传统组织和雇佣模式都出现重大变革,越来越多的劳动者投身于平台型企业。此时,平台企业所面临的雇佣关系模式呈现新特征,心理契约的内容随之出现新的特点。文章通过对平台劳动者、心理契约、工作绩效的相关文献进行梳理归纳总结,为今后进一步研究平台劳动者的心理契约内容结构和影响后果提供一些借鉴。As a potential expectation between enterprises and employees, psychological contract carries the responsibilities and expectations that both parties have not expressed in written form, and affects the internal relationship between employees and enterprises. With the development of the Internet, the traditional organization and employment mode have undergone major changes, and more and more workers are engaged in platform-based enterprises. At this time, the environment faced by enterprises and employees has changed greatly, and the content of psychological contract has new characteristics. This paper combs and summarizes the relevant literature on platform workers, psychological contract and work performance, and provides some reference for further study on the content structure and influence consequences of platform workers’ psychological contract in the future.
Advances in Psychology