为了解大学毕业生的就业焦虑现状及其相关的影响因素,文章采用问卷调查法对广西1116名大学毕业生的就业焦虑、兴趣–专业匹配度、专业承诺的现状进行施测。结果显示:大学毕业生的就业焦虑总体处于中等偏上水平;女生的就业焦虑水平显著高于男生;文科生的就业焦虑水平显著高于理工科生;普通本科层次大学生的就业焦虑水平显著高于专升本层次大学生,来自乡镇、农村的大学生就业焦虑水平显著高于来自城市的大学生;就业焦虑与兴趣–专业匹配度、专业承诺呈显著负相关。In order to understand the current situation of employment anxiety among college graduates and its related influencing factors, this paper conducted a questionnaire survey among 1116 college graduates in Guangxi on their employment anxiety, interest-major fit, and professional commitment. The results show that the employment anxiety level of college graduates is above average;the level of employment anxiety of female students is significantly higher than that of male students, the level of employment anxiety of liberal arts students is significantly higher than that of science and engineering students, the level of employment anxiety of ordinary undergraduate students is significantly higher than that of college students, the level of employment anxiety of rural students is significantly higher than that of urban students. Employment anxiety was negatively correlated with interest-major fit and professional commitment.
Advances in Psychology