

A Comparison of Canoeing Experiences in Natural Waters and Swimming Pools
摘要 本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、观察法和数据统计等方法对自然水域皮划艇与泳池皮划艇体验进行对比实验研究,目的在于发现两种环境中皮划艇的体验问题,从而找出相应的对策,以便更好地普及两种方式的皮划艇运动,为今后皮划艇的开展和发展提供理论依据,为皮划艇运动培养后备人才,为国家水上运动项目做贡献。通过调查研究得出以下结论:1) 自然水域皮划艇的开展现状要好于泳池皮划艇,目前泳池皮划艇多用于皮划艇的技术训练。2) 自然水域皮划艇与泳池皮划艇开展环境存在巨大差异,但两者都具备开展皮划艇运动的条件、都能增强体质、提高运动技能、获得身心愉悦。3) 自然水域皮划艇与泳池皮划艇在视觉、听觉及触觉感官体验上有区别也有联系,二者体验存在较大差异。4) 自然水域皮划艇与泳池皮划艇情感体验上略有差别,基本上给体验者留下了积极、向上的正面情感,但有极少数人会产生负面情感。5) 自然水域皮划艇与泳池皮划艇精神体验上区别不大,都能给人成功喜悦、很自豪、很满足和很自信的体验。6) 自然水域皮划艇与泳池皮划艇满意度体验有略微差别,但满意度都能达到85%以上。 By using the methods of literature review, questionnaire survey, observation and data statistics, this paper makes a comparative experimental study on canoeing in natural waters and canoeing in swimming pools. The purpose is to find out the problems of kayaking experience in the two en-vironments, and find out the corresponding countermeasures, so as to better popularize the two kinds of canoeing and provide a theory for the development and development of canoeing in the future. According to this, we should cultivate reserve talents for canoeing and contribute to national water sports. Through the investigation and research, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The current situation of canoeing in natural waters is better than that in swimming pool canoeing. At present, canoeing in swimming pool is mostly used for the technical training of canoeing. 2. There are great differences between canoeing in natural waters and canoeing in swimming pools, but both of them have the conditions to carry out canoeing, which can enhance physical fitness, improve sports skills and obtain physical and mental pleasure. 3. There are differences and connections between canoeing in natural waters and canoeing in swimming pool in terms of visual, auditory and tactile sensory experience. 4. Although the emotional experience is different between canoeing in natural water and canoeing in swimming pool, most of the participants give a positive feedback and just a few participants with negative emotion. 5. Canoeing in natural waters and canoeing in swimming pools have little difference in spiritual experience. They can give people joy of success, pride, satisfaction and self-confidence. 6. The satisfaction experience of canoeing in natural waters is slightly different from that in swimming pool, but the satisfaction can reach more than 85%.
出处 《体育科学进展》 2021年第1期45-56,共12页 Advances in Physical Sciences
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