

Study on the Development Strategies of Adolescents’ Physical and Mental Health Based on Sedentary Behavior
摘要 “十三五”时期,党中央将人民健康置于优先发展战略位置,实施健康中国战略。然而,生活方式变化与科技进步导致久坐不动,特别是青少年。世界卫生组织警示久坐行为增加心脏病、癌症、糖尿病风险。青少年电子设备使用与久坐问题逐渐受关注。政府、学校、家庭需协力,推进健康教育、缓解学业压力,提供多样体育锻炼,减少屏幕时间,促进青少年健康成长。本文使用文献法、梳理统计法从久坐行为视角出发探索青少年身心健康发展对策,研究发现:学校作业和学业压力导致青少年久坐时间增加,需减轻学业压力,促进学生休息和活动。青少年长时间使用科技设备如智能手机、平板电脑普及,需加强媒体素养教育。青少年身体活动不足与多种因素有关,需进一步研究其关联。通过政府政策改革,减轻学业压力,提供多样化课程和活动,培养时间管理技能,减少学生久坐行为。政府鼓励媒体提供教育性内容,学校开设媒体素养课程,家长制定屏幕时间限制,共同减少屏幕使用时间。政府出台体育政策,学校提供多样化体育锻炼机会,家长鼓励孩子参与体育活动,以解决身体活动不足问题。 During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, the CPC Central Committee placed people’s health in a strategic position of priority development and implemented the Healthy China strategy. However, lifestyle changes and technological advances have led to sedentary lifestyles, especially among ad-olescents. The World Health Organization has warned that sedentary behaviour increases the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. The problem of teenagers’ electronic device use and seden-tary time is getting more and more attention. Governments, schools and families need to work to-gether to promote health education, ease academic pressure, provide a variety of physical exercise, reduce screen time, and promote the healthy growth of young people. From the perspective of sedentary behavior, this paper uses literature method and combing statistical method to explore countermeasures for the development of adolescents’ physical and mental health. The research finds that school homework and academic pressure lead to the increase of teenagers’ sedentary time, and it is necessary to reduce academic pressure and promote students’ rest and activities. The use of technology devices such as smart phones and tablet computers for a long time is popular among teenagers, and media literacy education needs to be strengthened. Insufficient physical activity in adolescents is related to a variety of factors, and its correlation needs to be further studied. Through government policy reforms, reduce academic pressure, provide diverse curricula and activities, develop time management skills, and reduce sedentary behavior among students. The government has encouraged media to provide educational content, schools to set media literacy courses, and parents to set screen time limits to reduce screen time together. The government has introduced a sports policy, schools provide a variety of physical exercise opportunities, and parents encourage their children to participate in sports activities to solve the problem of insufficient physical activity.
出处 《体育科学进展》 2023年第4期871-877,共7页 Advances in Physical Sciences
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