

Study on the Improvement of Students’ Physical Health by Campus Football Activities
摘要 国家提出“校园足球”规划,旨在让足球运动融入学校体育教育,使校园足球成为立德树人和增强学生体质这两个教育目标的良好载体,其目的不仅是为国家培养足球后备人才,还希望足球运动能提升中小学生的体质健康水平。为了解校园足球特色学校学生体质健康水平发展状况,本文以郑州市金水区第一批全国校园足球特色学校和非校园足球特色学校共12所中小学校为调查对象,以期探讨和评价校园足球对学生体质健康水平发展产生的作用,为推动校园足球的普及和校园足球活动的开展提供理论支撑。本文采用了文献资料法、访谈法、测试法,对郑州市金水区校园足球特色学校和非特色学校进行实地调研,从而对郑州市金水区校园足球特色学校中小学生的体质健康发展状况进行总结。 Put forward “the campus football” state plan, aims to let the football into the school sports education, make the campus football khalid ents and strengthen students’ physique both good carrier of education goal, the goal is not only for national training football reserve talent, also want the football sports can promote the physical health level of primary and middle school students. In order to understand the development of students’ physical health level in campus football charac-teristic schools, this paper takes 12 primary and middle schools in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City, the first batch of national campus football characteristic schools and non-campus football characteristic schools as the investigation objects, in order to explore and evaluate the effect of campus football on the development of students’ physical health level. To promote the populariza-tion of campus football and campus football activities to provide theoretical support. This paper adopts the method of literature, interview and testing to carry out field research on the campus football characteristic schools and non-characteristic schools in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City, so as to summarize the physical health development of primary and middle school students in the campus football characteristic schools in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City.
出处 《体育科学进展》 2023年第4期884-890,共7页 Advances in Physical Sciences
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