

Discussion on the Optimization Strategy of Physical Education Teaching Methods in Junior Middle School
摘要 随着新课改的深入发展,我国体育教学工作取得很大进展,但仍然存在一些待解决的困难与问题,其中教学方法的改革更是制约我国中学体育教学发展的主要因素。为什么学生不喜欢体育运动?为什么会产生这一现象?我们如今应该怎样进行的下一步的体育教学方法?这些问题都摆在我们面前,传统的教育观念对教师的教学观念有很大的影响,许多学校都把注意力集中在提升学生的学业成绩上,但大多数老师却忽视了学生全面发展,导致体育教学质量的提高滞后。因此,在新的时代背景下,中学体育教师必须重视学生的全面发展,从“为学生着想”的角度出发,创造出一种全新的教学方式,让学生主动参与到课堂中来,锻炼自己的身体,培养自己的兴趣,使学生的身体素质得到更好的发展,从而达到更高的水平。基于此,本文以初中体育教学方法为出发点,提出优化体育教学方法的必要性并给予改善当前初中体育教学方法的实施策略,旨在为初中体育教学方法的研究提供理论借鉴。 With the in-depth development of the new curriculum reform, physical education in China has made great progress, but there are still some difficulties and problems to be solved, among which the reform of teaching methods is the main factor restricting the development of physical education in middle schools in our country. Why don’t students like sports? Why does this phenomenon occur? How should we proceed with the next step of physical education teaching methods now? These problems are in front of us. The traditional concept of education has a great impact on teachers’ teaching concepts. Many schools focus their attention on improving students’ academic performance, but most teachers ignore the all-round development of students. As a result, the im-provement of the quality of physical education lags behind. Therefore, under the background of the new era, middle school PE teachers must attach importance to the all-round development of students and create a new teaching method from the point of view of “thinking for students”, so that students can actively participate in the classroom and exercise their own body. Cultivate their own interest, so that students’ physical quality can be better developed, so as to reach a higher level. Based on this, taking the teaching methods of physical education in junior middle school as the starting point, this paper puts forward the necessity of optimizing the teaching methods of physical education and gives the implementation strategies to improve the current teaching methods of physical education in junior middle school, in order to provide theoretical reference for the research of teaching methods of physical education in junior middle school.
作者 叶雅倩
出处 《体育科学进展》 2023年第4期1095-1100,共6页 Advances in Physical Sciences
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