

Study on the Design of Future Space Preference for Visitors in Taiwan
摘要 随着台湾人口结构、社会经济环境、生态环境以及智能科技的剧烈改变,以及当代不同工作者对于居住空间的需求有所变化,呼吁空间设计构想回归到人最基本的居住空间,探讨未来空间设计构想偏好的议题是具有社会需求符合度的。本研究以台湾台北市忠泰美术馆展出的《HOME2025:想家计画》A展区中16个展出模型为研究范围,调查对象以刚刚参观完A展区的观展者为主,本研究通过便利抽样的方式发放观展者问卷320份,有效问卷304份。研究目的为探讨台湾民众对未来空间设计构想偏好,了解民众在选择时之考虑因素,对所喜好的方向与原因进行总结。从调查结果看来,观展者的喜好程度偏向具有可变性、互动与共居性、应用环保概念、与自然和谐共处等五大因素。而最不喜欢的空间构想偏向意境上的虚空间、再生循环家具、不同物种混居、小型集合住宅。本研究认为观展者对未来空间构想考虑之原因最关心的是:共居性、互动性、环保性、智能化。其次,最不关心的是:建筑外型、设计形式、是否与自然结合。 With the dramatic changes in Taiwan’s population structure, socio-economic environment, eco-logical environment and intelligent technology, and the changes in the demand for living space by different contemporary workers, the call for space design ideas to return to the most basic living space, and to explore the future space design conception of preference is to have a social demand fit. This study is based on 16 exhibition models of “HOME2025: Homesick Project” A exhibition area in Zhongtai Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. The survey object is based on the viewers who have just visited the exhibition area. The study samples the way of issuing 320 questionnaires, of which there are 304 valid questionnaires. The purpose of the study is to explore the people’s preference for future space design, to understand the factors in the selection of the people, the preferred direction and reasons to sum up. From the survey results, the degree of preference of the viewers has five factors: variability, interaction and cohabitation, application of environmental protection concepts, and harmonious coexistence with nature. And the most dislikes of the space conception of the mood are on the virtual space, renewable cycle furniture, different species mixed, small collection of residential. This study suggests that viewers are most concerned about the reasons for future space considerations: cohabitation, interaction, environmental protection, intelligence. Second, the least concerns are: building appearance, design form, whether to combine with nature.
作者 姜懿桐 王丽卿 Yi-Tong Jiang;Liqing Wang(Department of Applied Arts, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei Taiwan)
出处 《艺术研究快报》 2018年第1期1-17,共17页 Art Research Letters
关键词 未来空间 设计构想 喜好度 Future Space Design Concept Preference
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