

The Externalization of Kernel Democracy—On Reform of the Household Register System
摘要 从广义的角度来说,一个国家的政治制度从内到外可以分为三层。我国户籍制度的改革,即属于我国外层政治运作制度的改革。作为外层政治运作体制之一,户籍制度的改革是外层政治民主的需求,也是内层政治民主外化的需求,它有利于实现马克思主义对真正的民主的设想,有利于实现共产主义,进一步促进外层政治运作制度的民主。我国户籍制度改革应遵循科学发展观,尽快提供更为完善的法律支持、政策支持,建立相对公平、公开、公正的平衡机制,在教育、医疗、住房等领域向中小城市倾斜,始终坚持社会主义和人民民主专政。 From a general perspective, the political system of a country can be divided into three layers from inside to outside. The reform of the household register system in China belongs to the reform of the outer layer political operation system in our country. As one of the outer layer political operation systems, the reform of the household register system is not only the demands of the outer layer political democracy, but also the demands of the externalization of the inner political democracy. It’s conducive to achieving the Marxist vision of true democracy and the communism, further promoting the democracy of the outer layer political operation system. The reform of the household register system should follow the scientific concept of development, provide more comprehensive legal support and policy support as quickly as possible, and establish a relatively fair, open and fair balance mechanism. And it also should tilt to small cities in the areas of education, health care, housing, etc and always adhere to the socialism and people's democratic dictatorship.
作者 简丹 刘泽雨
出处 《社会科学前沿》 2015年第3期142-148,共7页 Advances in Social Sciences
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