David Harvey points out that the neoliberalism is essentially an ideological apparatus, which is aiming at restoring conditions of capital accumulation conditions after the “stagflation” crisis as well as defending for retaking the lost power which was once retained by meritocrats when social welfare states were in the period of class compromise policy and deceiving the public. Harvey has expounded the historical process of neoliberalism theory and practice reshaping the pattern of balance of class forces within countries and the world political-economic governance structure since the 1970s, and he has mainly analyzed the restoration of neoliberal ideology and U.S. monopoly capitalist class power, the manifestations of neoliberal accumulation by dispossession and the alternatives of the working class against the neoliberalism. Harvey's neoliberal conception outlines the contemporary capitalism latest historical development form, basic characteristics, trend of crisis and the new picture of the revival of world socialist movement;but there are some cognitive biases when it comes to China's reform and opening up applying mechanically its theoretical explanation framework.
Advances in Social Sciences