学业拖延是指学生在学校情境中,推迟必须要完成的学业目标的倾向。学业拖延在大学生中普遍存在,它不仅会影响大学生的学习表现,阻碍学习进步,更会增加学业压力并降低生活质量。本研究试图在前人相关研究结果的基础上,探讨成就动机在大学生完美主义与学业拖延行为之间的中介作用,为改善与优化大学生的学习行为提供策略抉择。研究表明适应性完美主义、追求成功、成就动机总分之间存在显著正相关(P <0.01),且适应性完美主义与追求成功与学业拖延行为呈显著负相关(P <0.01);非适应性完美主义与避免失败存在显著正相关,二者与学业拖延行为呈显著正相关(P <0.01),成就动机各维度满足在大学生完美主义各维度与学业拖延行为之间起部分中介作用。
Academic procrastination refers to the tendency of students to postpone the academic goals that must be completed in the school context. Academic procrastination is common among college students. It not only affects the performance of college students, but also hinders learning progress, and increases academic pressure. This study explores the mediating effect of achieve-ment motivation on the relationship of perfectionism and academic procrastination in undergra-duate students, which will help to improve and optimize the learning behavior of them. The re-search shows that there is a significant positive correlation between adaptive perfectionism, pursuit of success and achievement motivation .
Advances in Social Sciences