面对日益增长的老龄人口,如何优化选择养老模式,是当前我国亟待解决的一个重大难题。本文首先对我国当前主要三种养老模式的优劣势进行比较。然后对美国、瑞士和日本三个国家主要养老模式及对我国的适应性进行评价。最后优化选择适合中国国情的养老模式:1) 中国养老模式必须基于当今最基本的世情与国情原则视角,确定了优化选择的五项基本原则:符合中国传统养老文化特点的原则,因地制宜因时制宜的原则,符合老年人物质与精神需求的原则,与国力相适应的原则,最能适应各种突发事件的原则;2) 优化选择了中国未来重点发展的三种养老模式:合作式家庭养老、社区互助式养老、互联网 + 医养结合养老。
Facing a growing number of aging population, how to optimize the choice of pension model is a major problem to be solved in China. First of all, this paper compares the advantages and disad-vantages of the three major pension models in China. Then, the paper evaluates the main pension models of the United States, Switzerland and Japan and their adaptability to China. Finally, optimize the choice of pension model suitable for China’s national conditions: 1) China’s pension model must be based on the most basic perspective of the world situation and national conditions, and determine five basic principles of optimal choice: in line with the principles of traditional Chinese pension culture, the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions, the principle of meeting the material and spiritual needs of the elderly, the principle of adapting to national strength, the principle that can best adapt to all kinds of emergencies;2) there have selected three pension models for China’s future development: cooperative family pension, community mutual support for the aged, internet plus and medical care pension.
Advances in Social Sciences